The Mekong. Lush river, loads of green, more mozzies than the f***ing Amazon!
2nd Feb 2005, Vientiane, Laos.
Sitting in a hotel room in the Laos capital watching Rats....that’s the film by the way. A really fat animal lover is currently being devoured by hundreds of them. It's a shit movie but Star Movies is way better than anything we get free on cable.
I am deliriously happy because I have finally bought a mozzie killer tennis racquet. We first saw them in Cambodia but couldn't find one to buy. Tim was trying to haggle the price down. It was never going to happen. The woman in the shop could see I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. I would have paid 20 dollars for it if I had to. In the end we paid three and a half - every cent well spent in my book.
The only annoying thing is that you have to charge it for 10 hours before you use it. Damn! I was so looking forward to getting it into action straight away. I never knew that I could derive so much pleasure from killing something. I don't like spiders, I despise cockroaches, but I would never kill them. Mozzies on the other hand...I'm smiling just at the thought of tomorrow night! Just you wait you little fuckers.
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