-----Original Message-----
From: danapalamara@tiscali.co.uk [mailto:danapalamara@tiscali.co.uk]
Sent: Thu, 9 Dec 2004 20:04:49 +1300
Subject: Fush and Chups
Hello again,
Hope the weather isn't too bad at home!
It's our last day in Middle Earth today before we move on to Sydney. We've only had just over three weeks here and it's gone in a flash but we've packed loads in.
For those that have never been here before, it's a little odd coming from South America to Auckland. When you get to the airport you could be forgiven for thinking someone had dropped you off at Heathrow by mistake. It's all so much like home. You can use your bank card anywhere, you are surrounded by familiar logos ...Midland Bank, Boots and there are fish and chip shops all over the place. However the moment you go no more than 2km out of a
town you remember that you are on the other side of the planet.
The countryside is truly spectacular. I never realised there could be so many different shades of green. The birds are the same as in the rest of Polynesia – weird and multi coloured. Even the weeds on the side of the road here are lovely we'd probably pay a fortune for them at home. Just driving around in a car is a treat - a bit dangerous though cause it's hard to keep your eye on the road.
We've been following the Danni (Smith) Wright guide to New Zealand (Thanks Dan - all your suggestions have been fab). Here 's a round up.
(Totally Awesome) Things we haven't done before:
-Raced down 90 mile beach in a huge bus.
-Went sand boarding - if anyone ever tries to tell you this is for boys only, or hard they are lying.
-Went black water rafting in a cave full of glow worms. Cool apart from having to jump backwards in the dark into a racing river and finding out that glow worms are actually maggots and the bit that glows is their pooh. Mouths closed now.
-Warmed our toes over a huge pool of smelly, bubbling mud in Rotorua
-Had a massive Maori feast
-Got a tattoo done by a Maori specialist! (don't tell my mum)
-Managed to get into an album launch in Wellington
-Swam in the ocean over the Kaikoura Canyon with literally hundreds of Dusky dolphins. Wow, cool, awesome as they say here. Amazing - they were inches away from your face.
-Said hello at very close range to three 20 foot sperm whales
-Managed to get Tim to go horse riding in Coromandel - he is still complaining about his nuts
-Had a private spa in the thermal Springs at Hamner Springs and ruined all my silver jewellery
-Went jet-boating in a river canyon. Do this. Do this now. It's amazing.
Things we perhaps shouldn't have done:
-Spent an absolute bloody fortune.
-Ate countless portions of fish and chips
-Ate even more Kiwi breakfasts
-Gave in and weighed myself in one of the hotel bathrooms (ouch)
-Scored some very strong Kiwi weed
-Allowed Tim to get too close to the sheep - he really is starting to worry me- ever since Peru he's had a growing fascination for alpaca and now sheep. If you don't believe me check his photos when we get back.
-Thought it was going to be hot and sunny - Boy does it rain some here!
Being in New Zealand has reminded us that Christmas is around the corner. I Hope that none of you are having to work and that you all have a good one. In case I don't get to email before then Merry Christmas to you all. It's going to be weird not seeing you.
Love and kisses