Kaikoura dusky dolphin
It was one of those roads that we took to Hamner Springs – our last stop before the airport in Christchurch. The journey down was breath taking. A million different shades of green lined the roads and those fantastic white flowers in all the trees that shimmer like fairy lights in the sun. The roads are quite scary for me because they are all mountainous and really bendy. As most of you know my family and I went off the edge of roads just like this in a car accident, so I’ve always been a bit nervy of them. But the reward for braving them is worth it. Every now and again we’d come across a little waterfall or a view over the sea that we just had to stop the car to gawk at.
The road from Kaikoura to Hamner was a lot more flat, but no less gorgeous. We had a hysterically funny moment where we got stuck behind a herd of cows. The farmer was telling me to drive forward and I dare not for fear of hurting one of the animals. We were stuck there for about half an hour. At one point a huge cow actually sat on the bonnet and started shitting all over the car. It was soooo gross. Tim and I were wiping back tears we were laughing so much. I think the farmer just thought we were a pair of stupid Pom city twats. I laughed so hard that I forgot to pull the camera out, which is a real shame. That would have made a gross, but great picture.
Hamner Springs was a nice little place, although once again I think we were still in South America mode when we were thinking ‘springs’. They are natural springs but when you go there it looks like an outdoor swimming pool. I guess I was thinking rock pools or something similar to Colca Canyon I don’t know. Anyway we had a laugh. We hired a private spa which had a window looking out to about a meter of garden before it hit a wall and a front door that had one way glass that faced the rest of the spa complex. Tim, of course decided he wanted to get frisky. I have to say it was a pretty uncomfortable half hour. I just couldn’t help looking at that door, convinced that every single man, woman and child on the other side could see straight through. Maybe they could and the woman was lying to us. Who knows.
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