Lush beach. Shame the water was ABSOLUTELY BLOODY FREEZING!!!
Tim went so fast he just missed falling in the water at the bottom
Shame I had the camera. It was wonderful seeing Tim's whinging face
How can he whinge riding through this lushness? We didn't spot any hobbits.
Coromandel. A fantastic sunset, just before it pissed down so hard we couldn't leave the house
The local shop, Coromandel
Farmstay, Coromandel
Dec 04
The traveller scene is quite young and loaded with adventure stuff to do and we’ve had some good laughs. We went to 90mile beach and went sand boarding on the dunes. It was great fun and really easy. I found myself really annoyed that I had chickened out of going in Nazca where they have the highest sand dune in the world. The chap there kept saying that it was only for ‘strong men’. Shame, I'll know to ignore them next time.
We also loved Coromandel. We took Danni's advice and stayed at a farm stay. It was lush. A wooden hut completely out in the middle of nowhere with one gas ring and a wood fired oven. Unfortunately it rained so hard we were barely able to leave it a lot of the time. I finally managed to convince Tim to try horse riding. I think he enjoyed it, but he complained constantly about his balls hurting. I found myself wickedly content and thought back to all the times I had got to the end of my tether because of the pain the bloody mountain bike was causing me. It paid off for him though, because he managed to score from the instructor.
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